Oak, Bur


Quercus macrocarpa

Bur oak is a medium to large tree and one of the most common trees in Minnesota. Leaves typically turn yellow to brown in fall. A long-lived but slow growing tree. Northern Minnesota is along the northern edge of its range, but bur oak is adaptable, although it prefers moist, well drained soils. Trees will often develop a very wide crown when given ample growing space but are often take on a narrower form in dense woods. Makes a great shade tree.

Acorns are the largest of the native oaks and are eaten by a variety of wildlife. Bur oaks with good growth form have valuable timber.


  • Size: 5"-12"
  • # per Bundle: 25
  • Soil Type: moist, well drained
  • Sun: full sun to partial sun
  • Moisture: moist
  • Height: 60'-90'
  • Growth Rate: moderate-slow

505 3rd St N, Ste A,
Virginia, MN 55792
Office Hours: 8:30 - 4 Monday-Friday and by appointment


Minnesota Clean Air and Water Legacy Amendment