Maple, Sugar


Acer scaccharum

Sugar maple is a medium size tree. Leaves turn yellow in the fall. Sugar maple is very shade tolerant but will grow quicker in the sun. It does best on sites with rich, moist soils. Like most maple species in Minnesota, it is vulnerable to cold weather damage, especially if planted in open spaces, but is very hardy to damage and can be long lived. Trees have a wide crown when given ample growing space but tend to be narrower in dense woods.

Sugar maple is commonly planted for landscaping, maple syrup production, and wildlife habitat.


  • Size: 8"-12"
  • # per Bundle: 25
  • Soil Type: sandy loam, loam
  • Sun: shade-partial sun
  • Moisture: moist
  • Height: 50-80
  • Growth Rate: moderate-slow

505 3rd St N, Ste A,
Virginia, MN 55792
Office Hours: 8:30 - 4 Monday-Friday and by appointment


Minnesota Clean Air and Water Legacy Amendment