Chokecherry, Common


Prunus virginiana

Chokecherry is a small, hardy tree or large shrub. With egg shaped leaves and elongated terminal white flower clusters. It suckers readily from the roots. Chokecherry fruits turn dark purple and typically ripen in July and August and make great jam or jelly. Though the bark, leaves and seeds are toxic, boiling or drying the fruit will neutralize the naturally occurring hydrocyanic acid.

Common Chokecherry is often planted for windbreaks, erosion control, wildlife and pollinator habitat.


  • Size: 12"-18"
  • # per Bundle: 25
  • Soil Type: loamy, well drained
  • Sun: full sun to partial sun
  • Moisture: moderate to dry
  • Height: 15'-30'
  • Growth Rate: Fast

505 3rd St N, Ste A,
Virginia, MN 55792
Office Hours: 8:30 - 4 Monday-Friday and by appointment


Minnesota Clean Air and Water Legacy Amendment