Board of Supervisors

SWCD Board Supervisors play an important role in determining how soil and water resources are managed within the District.  They work cooperatively with local, state, and federal partners to establish soil and water conservation policy. SWCD’s serve as a focal point for identifying and addressing natural resource issues. They are elected to serve 4-year terms or appointed to the remainder of a term if a vacancy occurs between elections.

Supervisors meet monthly in Virginia to discuss the business of the SWCD, including state grant allocations to landowners, district conservation priorities, coordination with other local units of government and state agencies, and legislative priorities. The board is a policy-setting board. Staff carry out the work of the District. Supervisors do not receive a salary, although they do receive $125 in compensation for attending meetings and are reimbursed for related expenses. The board meeting date and time is set annually by the board. The regular meeting is currently the second Wednesday of each month at 10:30 a.m. in the District Office. A link to attend virtually is generally available by contacting the District Administrator at least two hours prior to the meeting. 

Terms for nomination districts 2, 4 and 5 expire on 12/31/2028. Terms for nomination districts 1 and 3 expire on 12/31/2026.

Here are some resources that may be helpful as you consider candidacy for the SWCD office of Supervisor. You must live (or move within 30 days of the election) in nomination districts to file for the respective opening. 

What does it take to be an SWCD Supervisor?
Becoming a Candidate for SWCD Supervisor
Frequently Asked Questions


Meet Our Current SWCD Supervisors

  • Peggy Pearson

    District 1, Chair


    Peggy Pearson
  • Jerry Hovi

    District 2, Supervisor


    Jerry Hovi
  • Frank Modich

    District 3, Vice Chair


    Frank Modich
  • Charles Bainter

    District 4, Treasurer


    Charles Bainter
  • Mark Peterson

    District 5, Secretary


    Mark Peterson

505 3rd St N, Ste A,
Virginia, MN 55792
Office Hours: 8:30 - 4 Monday-Friday and by appointment


Minnesota Clean Air and Water Legacy Amendment