Conservation Assistance

If you are interested in implementing conservation practices on your land and don’t know where to start, we can help! We can offer site visits, technical planning, engineering services, and in some cases, funding to help you protect water quality, promote forest health, and support conservation. If we cannot provide you the services or expertise you need, we will direct you to the agency that can. 

We welcome you to contact us if you are looking for assistance in the following areas:

  •  Forest stewardship and management
  •  Shoreline restoration
  •  Native plantings
  •  Shoreline erosion
  •  Storm water runoff 
  •  Urban Agriculture Conservation
  •  Water quality
  •  Wetlands
  •  Buffer Law

State Cost-Share

The cost-share program was created to provide funds to share the cost of systems or practices for erosion control, sedimentation control, or water quality improvements that are designed to protect and improve soil and water resources. Through the State Cost-Share Program, landowners can request financial and technical assistance for the implementation of conservation practices.

The program requires the conservation practice provide one of the following objectives:

  • Control nutrient runoff
  • Control Sedimentation
  • Divert runoff to protect and improve water quality
  • Reduce wind erosion
  • Control gully, rill or sheet erosion
  • Control storm water runoff
  • Protect or improve surface water and ground water quality
  • Alleviate water quantity problems due to altered hydrology

These projects include, but are not limited to:

  • Critical Area Stabilization
  • Diversions
  • Field Windbreaks
  • Shelterbelts
  • Grassed Waterway
  • Wastewater and Feedlot Runoff Control
  • Filter Strips
  • Sediment Basins
  • Streambank, Shoreland, and Roadside Protection
  • Stripcropping
  • Terraces
  • Unused Well Sealing
  • Forestry Conservation Practices

Past Projects:

Lake Vermilion

Whiteface Reservoir


505 3rd St N, Ste A,
Virginia, MN 55792
Office Hours: 8:30 - 4 Monday-Friday and by appointment


Minnesota Clean Air and Water Legacy Amendment