
Groundwater monitoring

The district monitors a few wells within our area for the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Cooperative Groundwater Monitoring Program. The purpose of the program is to use the water-level data to determine long term trends of groundwater levels and consider the impacts of pumping, climate, and conservation.

Private Wells

The district does not collect water for private well testing. The Minnesota Department of Health provides recommendations on what to test for and when to test to protect you and your family’s health.

Well Sealing

Abandoned wells can pose risks to personal safety, drinking water supply, and water quality. There may be funding available to share the cost of well sealing. Contact our office for more information.

Minnesota Spring Inventory

The MN DNR has developed a Springs Reporting App to expand the current knowledge of springs. It is gathering information from various agency records and searching public lands, but also needs the help of private citizens to make the inventory more comprehensive.

You can add to the inventory using the Minnesota DNR Statewide Spring Inventory App from your mobile device in the field, or from your computer based on map location or aerial imagery. Spring locations will be available on a Spring Inventory Map after verification by the DNR.

Springs have their own aesthetic and historical value that creates a special “sense of place” for local residents and visitors. Preserving springs contributes to a love of the land and an environmental ethic that helps create a Minnesota quality of life. You can’t protect something if there is no public or government awareness of its existence. -Greg Brick, DNR


505 3rd St N, Ste A,
Virginia, MN 55792
Office Hours: 8:30 - 4 Monday-Friday and by appointment


Minnesota Clean Air and Water Legacy Amendment