Invasive Species Control at WMAs

8 Wildlife Management Areas (WMAs) were treated for terrestrial invasive species control in 2019 through a Conservation Partners Legacy Grant from the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.

  • Anchor Lake WMA near Eveleth treated for Pea Shrub and Tansy
  • Darwin Myers WMA near Embarrass treated for Tansy, Thistle, and Burdock
  • Great Scott WMA near Buhl treated for Buckthorn and Tansy
  • Old Koschak Farm WMA near Ely treated for Tansy, Burdock, and Peashrub
  • Owen WMA near Cook treated for Buckthorn
  • Sax WMA near Cotton treated for Tansy and Parsnip
  • Fermoy WMA near Cotton treated for Tansy
  • Zim WMA near Cotton treated for Tansy

Want to help?

We are now looking for volunteers to help us monitor the success of treatment. We are looking for people to search the treated areas for new occurrences of the invasive species that were treated at the sites through EDDmaps online or the Great Lakes Early Detection Network App.

If you interested in helping us monitor any of these sites, contact Tristan Nelson at or 218-288-6146 for more information.

505 3rd St N, Ste A,
Virginia, MN 55792
Office Hours: 8:30 - 4 Monday-Friday and by appointment


Minnesota Clean Air and Water Legacy Amendment